Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Spectacular - The Polar Express

The Polar Express was a kids picture book written back in the 80's. It was 32 pages long, and like most picture books, consisted of full page illustrations and a simple story.  Robert Zemeckis thought this would be the perfect vehicle to play with motion-capture technology.

Read on to see what the creator of Back to the Future watches on Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Spectacular - Bad Santa

There are two reasons to hate Santa. The first is because he never brought you that life-size My Buddy doll you wanted when you were 14. The second reason is because he's being played by Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa.

Before you take your kids to the mall to see Santa, read on to make sure you're not making a mistake.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Spectacular - Christmas With the Kranks

Christmas? Who needs it. Let's go to the Bahamas. Or maybe we should stay in town take turns crapping in Santa's hat. Yeah, that sounds like more fun. Bring on the Chipotle!

Click the link to learn what bad kids get to watch at Christmas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Spectacular - Home Alone

What do you get when you take a bratty kid, his pre-occupied and uncaring parents, a group of siblings and cousins who hate each other, some burglars, a scary man with a shovel, and shove them all inside a Christmas Turkey? Why, you get Home Alone, of course.

Read on to recall why you still feel nauseated anytime a person holds their face and screams...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The First Annual Christmas Movie Review Spectacular!

It's December, and officially the Holiday Season. So, to help us celebrate, I'm going to be posting reviews of as many holiday movies as I can.  Old, new, crappy, more crappy. They're all getting their fair share.  We might not share the same opinion on all these movies, but you have to admit, they all remind us of just what this time of year means... drinking until we can't remember things anymore.